The leaflets are toothed and usually 3-lobed. virginiana, but instead of having only 3 leaflets, it has 5 to many leaflets. Catesby’s leather flower (or satin curls, C.virginiana by its toothed, often shallowly lobed (not entire) leaflets, which usually are 3 (not 5 or 7) per leaf its flowers being mostly (or all) either staminate (male) or pistillate (female) (not perfect) its petal-like sepals being only 6–10 mm long (not 9–15 mm) and with a few scattered hairs on the inner surfaces (not hairless on the inner surface). It also occurs in fencerows, railroads, roadsides, and other open, disturbed areas. Virgin’s bower ( Clematis virginiana), also called woodbine, devil’s darning needles, and love vine, among other names, is a native Missouri plant occurring nearly statewide in bottomland forests, rich, moist upland forests, swamps, banks of streams and rivers, and bases of bluffs.In addition to sweet autumn virgin’s bower, two others also bear clusters of white, saucer-shaped flowers and thus might be confused with that species: Similar species: Eight species of Clematis have been recorded as either native or naturalized in Missouri. The many clusters of achenes, with their plumlike styles, gives the plant a fuzzy look in fall. Blooms August–September.įruits are flattened oval achenes with the persistent style lengthening and becoming featherlike. Pistils 5–6, with long styles, also white or cream-colored. Stamens numerous, fairly prominent, white or cream-colored. Flowers are mostly perfect (they possess both stamens and pistils), though a few staminate flowers are sometimes present, too. The flowers open into a general saucer shape (unlike several others in the genus, which resemble urns or bells). There are (usually) 4 petal-like sepals that are 9–15 mm long these have the inner surface glabrous (smooth and hairless), though the outer surface is hairy. Sometimes there is an irregular whitish blotch running along the midvein of the leaflets.įlowers are in dense clusters (cymes). The upper surface is green, the lower surface smooth and paler. The elongated leaf stems often curl around objects to support the plant’s climbing habit. The leaflets are entire (not toothed or lobed), and ovate or heart-shaped the minor veins are not raised. Leaves are opposite and pinnately compound with 5 or 7 leaflets. In late summer, it produces dense clusters of white, sweet-smelling flowers, which mature into fuzzy seed masses. It is an aggressive, twining, multiply branching vine that climbs rapidly over any support or else spreads over the ground, forming a dense, tangled mass to 10 feet in diameter. Sweet autumn virgin’s bower, also called autumn clematis or fall clematis, is a nonnative, invasive perennial, mostly nonwoody vine that is woody at least at the base.